When a Homeowner Should Have Their Water Tested

Most homeowners don't think about having city-supplied water tested, as the water you get from your city's sources may be considered safe for drinking, cooking, and bathing. However, it's not always a good idea to blindly trust the water you get from the city as being safe and healthy, as sometimes there are contaminants that might show up in the water even with the best filtering system and treatments. Note when a homeowner should have their water tested and why it's so important for you and your health.

Metal taste in your mouth

Your water itself may not have an overwhelming taste of metal, but if you have a metal taste in your mouth throughout the day, this may signal metal poisoning in the water. Residual water may stay in your mouth long after you eat or have water to drink, so you may think you have an oral health problem, a loose filling, and the like that is creating this taste when it's actually your home's water. Seeing a dentist is good in order to rule out oral health concerns or old fillings that are coming loose, but you might also have your home's water tested for lead, copper, or zinc, and other metal contaminants as well.

Air in the water

When you turn on the faucet and notice a lot of air bubbles, this can mean a leak in the plumbing system of your home that is allowing in that air and, along with it, other dangerous contaminants. Your home's plumbing pipes shouldn't be allowing in air that creates cloudy water or air bubbles; the air itself may not be dangerous, but this air can signal that other contaminants have an avenue for making their way into your water. Have your home's water tested and then call a plumber to check for these leaks outside the home and have them patched or repaired.

Nearby farmland

Nearby farms may mean that E coli and other contaminants are seeping into your water supply, either because of waste from livestock or because of fertilizers used on the farm. There doesn't need to be a flood or any other reason to bring those contaminants to your home; they may simply overwhelm your city's water supply and, in turn, wind up in your home's water. If you live near farms of any sort, have your water tested regularly to ensure it's always safe or to see if you need a strong water filter in the home.
