
Pump Designs that You Can Use On Your Irrigation Scheme

The essence of having an irrigation scheme is to guarantee a reliable supply of water to crops. This increases the chances of a good harvest by eliminating the uncertainty resulting from the ever-changing rain patterns. For you to do this effectively, you must select the right pump based on the activities that go on in your scheme and the configuration of the water source or supply lines distributing water to the crops.

When a Homeowner Should Have Their Water Tested

Most homeowners don't think about having city-supplied water tested, as the water you get from your city's sources may be considered safe for drinking, cooking, and bathing. However, it's not always a good idea to blindly trust the water you get from the city as being safe and healthy, as sometimes there are contaminants that might show up in the water even with the best filtering system and treatments. Note when a homeowner should have their water tested and why it's so important for you and your health.